CBD OIL vs HEMP OIL (What the heck is the difference?)
Hemp…it’s everywhere recently. CBD Oil…also everywhere. It seems like everyday CBD Oil is is in the news. Mainstream USA is finally understanding the benefits of and many big box stores are jumping on the bandwagon. Hemp oil and CBD oil – are they interchangeable words – do they mean the same thing? What is the difference?
Hemp oil and CBD oil differ in what part of the plant they come from and how they are used. Hemp oil is from seeds and is used as a protein supplement and in lotions and soap. CBD oil is from plant flowers and leaves. It is used primarily for medicinal purposes, such as treating inflammation.
It’s easy to get confused because of the many varieties of products available, including oils, lotions and tinctures. Here’s a closer look at hemp oil and CBD oil, including where they come from and how they are most often put to use.
Hemp oil
Hemp oil is extracted from hemp seeds. Typically, it is taken from industrial hemp plants and contains very small amounts of THC, the chemical in the marijuana plant that causes the high feeling. In other words, it’s non-psychoactive.
Hemp oil gets used in diverse ways, perhaps the best known of which is in cooking as a replacement for olive oil. Hemp oil has a nutty flavor and is a source of protein. Hemp oil also is used in lotions, as it is known to help hydrate the skin. Because it is a natural moisturizer, it also is used in the making of some types of soap. Some also believe it can treat atopic dermatitis and has anti-aging properties for the skin.
CBD (short for cannabidiol) oil is extracted from the flower and leaves of the hemp plant. It is a naturally occurring chemical in marijuana that is non-psychoactive.
The uses of CBD usually revolve around medical applications. Many use CBD products for pain management and to lessen inflammation. A CBD-based medicine also has been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for treatment of certain types of epilepsy.
The uses of CBD are expanding as new discoveries are made. For example, Paradise Valley Products CBD reduces pain caused from inflammation, CBD eases anxiety, depression and stress. Paradise Valley CBD has CBD for pets which is used in the same way humans use CBD – easing stress and managing pain and inflammation. Â
Both hemp oil and CBD oil have important uses, but they differ greatly in both where they come from and how they are used. Take the time to learn about both before making your purchase decision.Â